A dear friend recently confided in me.
“I’m nothing but an alcoholic.”
I was stunned. Not by the fact that she called herself an alcoholic, though I’ve never considered her one, and it wouldn’t have altered my feelings for her. No, the shock came from the “nothing but” part.
My friend is highly intelligent, kind, generous, and faithfilled. She’s a loving mother and grandmother, an encouraging companion and an excellent wife.
A world of good squished into a teeny-tiny body. And yet not a single one of those qualities could describe her when used by itself. She isn’t “nothing but smart, nothing but sweet, nothing but…anything.” She’s too special to limit with one characteristic, whether good or not-so-good.
I believe we all have a “nothing but” inside, a means for Satan to disable us, separate us from the power we possess through Christ. Are you “nothing but” a glutton? A gossip? Selfish?
I know my “nothing but” well. It waits, shrouded in shame for my weaker moments. Like a bat it takes wing, eclipsing the true Light until all I can see is That. One. Massive. Failing.
There’s a difference between humbleness and shame. Humility is focused on others, shame is self-centered.
Jesus embodied humility, Satan blankets us in humiliation and guilt.
The devil attacks me when I’m down, just as I suspect he chooses your vulnerable times with care. At that point, when my holy armor keeps falling off and I’m tripping over my sin, all I can do is repent. Cry and repent.
When the Lord hears those genuine words of regret, when He sees those tears, I am cleansed. I am forgiven. Whole, and free. I am “nothing but” saved.
It describes me perfectly. Isn’t it wonderful?
Love this! How stunning to think of the shame we cling to as self-centered! My garbage. Mine. I’m trying to give it up for love and beauty. And some days I can.
Thank you!
You’re welcome. I have to work at it daily. Sometimes I have more success, sometimes less. But I’m learning and growing in Him and for Him.<3
I love this, especially the “I know my “nothing but” well. It waits, shrouded in shame for my weaker moments. Like a bat it takes wing, eclipsing the true Light until all I can see is That. One. Massive. Failing.
There’s a difference between humbleness and shame. Humility is focused on others, shame is self-centered.
Jesus embodied humility, Satan blankets us in humiliation and guilt.”
Really good thoughts to begin my morning as I face a challenge that could make me feel I’m “nothing but.” So thank you.
Amen! God’s grace covers all of our sins and shortcomings, and we have a new identity in Christ. We are truly redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
And we need simply to remember the cross. <3
Susan, you are so far from “nothing but”! I hope things went well for you!
Thank you. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I know that’s how God sees me as well. I just need to remind myself from time to time. That’s why this was so timely. God bless, my friend.
Wow!!! That is powerful and hits home with me. I’m so thankful for God’s love and forgiveness. The enemy just wants to kill and destroy. I hate when I listen to him.
Far to often I listen as well. I’m thankful God’s whisper is louder and more persistent. <3
Amen! God’s grace covers all of our sins and shortcomings, and we have a new identity in Christ. We are truly redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
This is good, Heidi Killion Gaul.
I love it when He responds, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” It has truly been wiped away by Him—white as snow.